Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Schroeder update 7.15.09

From owner: I thought I would let you know that Schroeder has a girlfriend named Millie. She is a 8 month boxer. It is true love. They met on a sunny morning at the dog park (sounds like a romance novel.) When other puppies want to play with them, they hardly take notice. Millie has more energy then Schroeder [Mel says Wow!] and he is tired for most the day after they play. I am sending you a picture of them. It so nice when your dog can find a good friend.


  1. I love this! A doggie romance!! I'm so happy for Schroeder and Millie. She's a very pretty girl, too. (Nice work Schroeder.) Nothing better than having your best friend find their own best friend. :-)

  2. ahhhhh! Schroeder does look like he's smiling!


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