Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cheetah 7.29.09

I am feeling much better today. PA and Daughter came over for dinner last night and for some reason it settled me down a lot. Cheetah did amazingly well having them in the house. It was my hope that since she had met them twice before in various settings (and is sleeping with PA's shirt to familiarize her with the smell) that she would be less reactive about them being in the house. This proved true and we only had once or twice when she scared Daughter with insistence that she remain seated. But she eventually settled down enough to let everyone move freely and she was even doing tricks for Daughter! It was great. Hopefully I can hang onto this feeling until Saturday. I don't expect it to be easy that day, but it would be great if I could remain at peace until then. This is going to be so good for her - after playing with Daughter all evening she conked right out at bedtime. And I find I am never at a loss for things to talk about with PA. :-)


  1. Keep the happy thoughts and feelings. It's all for the right reasons! (((hugs))) Besides if you didn't feel a bit sad, we'd have to have you checked out for not being MEL!! :-)

  2. Chin up! Smile!, Melanie.


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