Friday, July 17, 2009

Belle Update 7.17.09

Belle is doing well. She is great at bedtime – sleeps from 10 to 6:45ish. We are still working on breaking her on the puppy biting but most of her teeth have come in. She was at the vet today for another round of vaccinations and weighs 33 pounds. They are expecting her to be about 40 pounds which seems really small to us since we were use to two 90 pound boys. Our oldest daughter wishes she could sleep with her but we told her Belle had to be at least a year before she could have a sleep over. I have attached a few pics of Belle.


  1. Love the pictures! thank you Belle's family! she looks like she's got a punk-a-doo going on! lol

  2. Oh she's as adoreable as I remember her!! That face and pretty blonde coat. {{{Belle}}} What's funny is I was just thinking about her last night. Wondering how she was doing and how much she has grown. I must say, Belle looks very comfy on the cushion she's lying on. She's definitely found the forever home of her dreams! :-)


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