Friday, July 10, 2009

Neat sighting last night

Last night when I was turning out the lights to go to bed, I looked out of our bay window in the front of the house and saw an outline of something really tall in the street. My first thought was that either it was a deer or a werewolf, because it was too big to be anything else. Being that we seem to have a distinct lack of werewolves in Northern Virginia, I went with the former as my main theory.

So I froze in the dark and just watched. It came right toward the house. It was a pretty large buck with a decent sized rack. It was so majestic and in the dark it felt almost ethereal. He came right up to the front of the house. He stood next to the front porch for a while and then moved out of my sight line. So I went to another room in the house and watched from there. He had a nice snack of our shrubs and flowers in front of the house and then walked off to the side of the house and literally just vanished. No matter where I went I couldn't see him.

As a sighting like that will often do, it lifted my spirits and made me feel more grounded before I went to bed. It is so neat to have the kind of wild life around that we seem to have. Foxes, deer, rabbits, chipmunks, all kids of birds... I feel like I live in a Snow White fairy tale sometimes. I never expected this - I am in suburban DC. But there is a relatively significant park land right behind our cul-de-sac, even though it takes me about 5 minutes to get to the nearest Starbucks (the hallmark of today's civilization.) I feel like I probably would not see as much if I lived farther out in the country, because the wildlife would not be tempted to come so close to the house. So I kind of get the best of both worlds. It's nice.

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