Wednesday, July 8, 2009

More dog stuff

Shocking I know. I went to PetSmart tonight and picked up an Easy Walk Harness for Cheetah. I only tried it briefly. I am not sure if I had it fitting her properly. But she did walk loose lead. That is a first so I am hopeful.

Of course I could not go into PS and buy just one thing! So I got a few toys and chewies and 2 hard sided dog pools. In August I am hosting a rescue reunion party for everyone who has ever adopted from Rescue Angels. (Not to be confused with the litter reunion I will have next Spring.) This is because I have the biggest back yard and am crazy enough to offer :-) I believe the tally is up over 150 dogs at this point. Even if only 1/3 come that is a lot of dogs! (not to mention people.) So I thought it would be good to have a couple of dog pools on hand. They were only like $9 - how could i resist! That's how they get ya.

But the end all be all purchase. . . they had the SHAM WOW!!! At PetSmart! OK, I am coming out of the closet - I am an infomercial freak. But I never actually order anything. But it was sitting RIGHT THERE!!! How could I resist?! AS SEEN ON TV!!!! Now if I happen to see that lawn edger weed whacker thingy, my universe will be complete.


  1. Tell me if it works, the kids keep telling me I should get it.

  2. Are invites going to be sent out by rescue Angels?

  3. Yes, I expect they will. The actual event won't be until mid-August (I forget the date) but invites should go out soon I should think. I should probably ask them about it.

    I'll keep you posted on the harness!

  4. I meant the sham-wow let me know how that works. I also wanted to let you know that the invite came in the mail today.

  5. ooooooh - I'll let you know when I break it out. I was thinking I could use it as a bath towel to the dogs.


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