** Note - my blog posts are likely to be a little spotty until about Halloween. After that I expect them to return to normal. **
No big news here. Since school has started again, Maddie has not eaten, chewed or gotten into ANYTHING and we are shocked/thrilled. I think she sleeps the whole time because when I come home around 3 she usually yawns and looks like she woke from a coma.
No big news here. Since school has started again, Maddie has not eaten, chewed or gotten into ANYTHING and we are shocked/thrilled. I think she sleeps the whole time because when I come home around 3 she usually yawns and looks like she woke from a coma.
We have a little routine going where I take her for her 4 mile walk...that includes swimming in the creek and playing at the dog park. She is still weird around some people and then friendly as ever to others. Dogs, on the other hand, she still loves. Any size, breed, age, male or female...she loves them all.
Hopefully I will have some exciting news. I'm not sure what she weighs, other than I can't pick her up. Thank goodness she willingly jumps in the bathroom (although this took months of rewarding her for doing so!)
She looks great and is a happy happy girl!
oh wouldn't we just love to know what she's up to during the day! Watching tv while reclining on the sofa! (eating bonbons, of course!) yah Maddie!