Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Maddie improving


From Maddies' Owner:

So, I ordered that book you sent an email about not too long ago, haha. I haven't read the book but have read excerpts about Maddie's insecurities when she meets new people. Sometimes, she runs up to people and wants to lick and jump on them. Other times, she barks and acts like the person is going to attack her family. She has been much better since we've been giving people treats to give her. We tell them to deny the treat to Maddie until she allows them to pet her, and it has really helped a lot. Sometimes she falls for the person so quickly that she makes a best friend in seconds. However, there are still times when "non-dog" people don't get it and Maddie continues to bark at them...which just upsets them even more. We are working with her, but she has shown a lot of improvement.

* * *
Most of the puppies are exhibiting some form of this fearfulness with people right now. I used cut up hotdog myself with CB when her adopters came over and it did help. I am so glad to hear it is working for others as well! The book is set up very nicely so you can skip around if you don't have the time or the patience to read it cover to cover. I should be getting commission on the sales of this book for the number of times I have recommended it!! :-)


  1. Schroeder acts the same exact way. I did the same thing with the treats. When we are out walking I will make him sit when people are walking by and tell him watch me and then give him a treat. I also walked down to the elem. school one morning because he is afraid of children(loves teenaged boys). I sat with him as the kids walked by at firs he tried to run. Every time kids would go by I would say here come the kids and give him a treat after a minute he was fine. Parens walking bye may have thought I was a little creepy.

  2. that's a wonderful way to desensitize him to kids, especially loud, screaming little kids! lol.


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