Last night it was a little better, I gave CB a long walk and we ran for while over the grass behind the last set of townhouses behind our house, before we went to bed, also I made sure she did all her duties, that way nothing could happened at home.
By the time we went to sleep, immediately she jumped again over my bed, so I did as you said, I pointer out the floor ordering to go down, but she was determined not to, so I keep giving her the instruction repeatedly and instead of trying to bite me as the night before, she started rubbing her face on the pillows, roaring and rolling like saying "come on, don't take me out of here"... , she was sincerely sooooo cute that
I almost laugh, but I didn't, so she kept doing funny sad eyes, and rolling around the bed, but little by little she was approaching to the end of the bed until she just gave me this super sad look and jump out and walk around just complaining with a few noises, she was OK after a few minutes. I know, she is pushing her boundaries.

After that she sleep next to me (I put her blanket next to my bed), around 3:00 am she asked me to go outside, so we went to the backyard, where she pee and came back to room to continue sleeping. This morning she walk up around 6:30 am again and asked me to take her outside, she looks very comfortable going to the backyard, so I am trying to pay attention once she lets me know she needs to go. Speaking about the backyard, she found some fascination for the fig's tree, she finds very fun pulling figs from the tree and running around with it on her mouth, she does not eat it, she just chews it and throw in the air and then catch again, she really enjoys it.
I stay with her today again, [husband] will stay home tomorrow, that way she does not get just used to me. Yesterday she received [husband] very happy by the way, jumping here and there much much friendly. Later on we had a visit ([husband] invited his sister to met CB) ... first she barked at this lady, but the lady appear to be familiar with dogs (I sincerely didn't know) and she manage the situation pretty well, first she ignore CB, then she allowed CB to smell her, later on CB was on her lap kissing her ( :-/ took me longer to gain her [acceptance]) anyway, what I saw is that she can be very friendly and sweet, and that under supervision, she wouldn't harm anybody. I think.
So far I am setting her up for 2 long walks (40 minutes each) one at 7:30 am another at 6:00 pm, and three small walks (20 minutes each) during the day,noon, three pm and 9 pm. Eventually I will change those long walk for runs, yesterday she sleep for a few hrs after her first long walk in the morning, maybe because she didn't sleep well the night before, but today she was full of energy after the long walk, she was jumping here and there playing with her leash, which tells me she needs a more consuming energy exercise, I want to wait because of her surgery, but I may need to start running with her over the weekend.
A cool detail about the short walk is that she is getting familiar with the area and sometimes, for little short periods, her tail gets more relax and she weaves it up happily until she gets a little scare again and the tail goes down, we are walking the same path, that way she can recognize where is her home, and she will get familiar with all the noises around. For the long walk, she still get anxious, when she get nervous she crouches in front of me so I need to get her use to go in just one side, I had been close to follow over her more than a few times, because any sudden noise get her very scare, so she tries to go behind me coming either in front or between my legs. The long walk is an extended version of the short, half way we pass the same houses, meaning she is more comfortable and then we go behind the golf course, where we get some more noises, either from barking dogs, cars passing by, and even people chatting or working on the street, so there is when she struggles a little more.
By the way, she really is into ripping stuff, there is no toy that can survive more than half an hr before is chew out, but the cool thing about it is that she is chewing just toys, I saw her just once walking with one of my socks in her mouth, but once I said no, she just let it fall from her mouth and continue walking like nothing happened.
Last thing, (I hope I am not overwhelming you with this longs e-mails) [Never!] It seems to me that she can't hold her pee for more than 3 hrs, so since I can come once at lunch time to take her out, I am planning to get a dog walker, for her to come around 11:00 am, then I would come around 2:00 pm and last [husband] is usually here around 5:00 pm.
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