Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thunderstorms 6.18.09

We must've had 5 thunderstorms roll past last night. I know this because right before each one hit, Cheetah would come and paw at me bedside, and Swiffer would start trying to climb me, Dan, the blankets, the pillows... It was a good time. Finally they woke me up enough to remember I have some DAP spray. So I hauled myself up and went and got it and also rubbed them down with some dryer sheets. It did seem to help - but the storms also passed so I am not sure what did the trick. Now I have the spray next to my bed, so it won't be such an effort next time. They are all sound asleep right now. :-/


  1. Well, I suppose on the plus side... at least Cheetah didn't jump on the bed, the blankets, the pillows, you and Dan. ;-)

    What is DAP spray?

  2. Dog Appeasing Phermone. Mommy dogs excrete it to make the puppies feel safe and comforted. It comes in spray and diffuser forms.

    Cheetah only tries to jump on the bed when Dan isn't there. She is smart ;-)


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