A few other Mouse "ism's":
* loves ice cubes, frozen watermelon, cottage cheese and peanut butter (occasional treats only)
* Shows up at the side of your bed with a toy in her mouth ready to play
* loves to fetch balls and frisbees and will even drop them at your feet now
* prefers to sleep on hard cool tile floor then a dog bed ( sleeps through the night until we get up. in fact since it's summer and most of the house is sleeping in except for [dad], she'll get up with him, walk around with him, go out for a little bit and when he leaves she com
es back upstairs and goes back to sleep - it's amazing how easy she fits in with our sleep routine)
* Mouse is a tease. If a particular person ignores her or just reprimanded her, she'll go to the front hall and get that persons shoe. She never chews it, but she slowly walks by the person with a sideways glance. She's either saying "you can't ignore me" or "I'm sorry, come play with me".
[this is hysterical! So sly!]
[this is hysterical! So sly!]
I'll write more later. We enjoy reading your blog - there are times in some of the stories that I see similarities. She did steal an entire boneless chicken breast off the counter and swallowed without chewing. She also swallowed a piece of quiche whole. We've worked hard on the no jumping on the counter so no food casualties lately but we're careful not to leave temptation out. She doesn't thro
w anything up though - not even the whole dead mouse (yes, a mouse - how ironic) she ate on a walk one night. [ew!] That one worried us because you never know how the mouse died, but we called the vet and watched her and she was fine. Cast iron stomach, a will of steel and a heart of gold.
Mouse will have her surgery next Monday.
[This family was such a perfect fit for Mouse. I love their updates. I think all the puppies ended up in their perfect homes. :-)]
[This family was such a perfect fit for Mouse. I love their updates. I think all the puppies ended up in their perfect homes. :-)]
She's still such a sweetheart! lol at the "you can't ignore me" looks. I think you did a great job in placing all the pups with the right families.