Thursday, October 1, 2009

Vicki & Vivian - conclusion

Well, they gave them under 48 hours to entirely turn around with the new regimen before they gave up. They are surrendering them back this weekend. I am pissed.


  1. That's too bad, but maybe the best for the dogs. They need someone to be firm with them, not to expect them to miraculously be perfect pups.

  2. I hate people. Right now... I've no faith in humans at all.

  3. Its to bad that people give up so easily and don't think things through in the first place.

  4. Same reason the divorce rate is so high. Oops - getting a little bumpy - RUN!

    It fascinates me though how many people think their dogs should just automatically know how to behave.

  5. This is reflective on how their children turn out too. Sad commentary on our society. Let the children run feral, and expect animals to be housebroken, loving and obedient with little to no training. bah!


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