Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I have been struggling with feeling not so good and that is why I have not been posting. But I am all riled up now and want to tell you how Lexy is doing.

2 years ago Lexy had a brain tumor. That big light spot you see in the MRI is the tumor. She was literally at death's door so we had emergency surgery performed as well as follow up radiation. $15,000 later she recovered almost 100%. It was an amazing turnaround.

Last Monday night (10.12.09) I was convalescing in bed and heard a strange scratching sound. I just knew something was wrong and as it turned out Lexy was having a seizure. We wrapped her in a towel when it was over and raced her to the emergency room - same place that treated her for the brain tumor. They kept her for two days and did scads of tests on her and determined that she had elevated liver and kidney values. The type of brain tumor she had 2 years ago does not typically cause seizures so the neurologist thoughtfully is trying to spare us another $1900 MRI and wants to pursue the liver values. So $3500 later we are home with 2 kinds of pills - one of which is ridiculously big to give a cat. We also brought her in wrapped in a towel and never got that back.

I took her back for a recheck today. She had another seizure on Friday, but other than that, she seems like she is OK. The neurologist took a look at her and explained his theories to me and said he thought her blood levels should be rechecked and she should see the internist. He doesn't want to prescribe anti seizure meds unless absolutely necessary because of potential side effects on the liver, which is already screwed up. So I left her there today and just got off the phone with the internist, who redid the blood work but also had ideas about tons of other tests. One of them was a repeat needle aspirate of her liver because they didn't get a proper cellular sample the first time. This is where I got pissed. I said let me get this straight - you want to stick a needle through her stomach and charge me another $300 because someone over there was too inept to get a proper sample?

It was explained to me that it just happens that sometimes the samples are good and sometimes they are not. So - I say - it is quite feasible that you will jab her in the abdomen again, I will be up to $600 for this particular test - and it will still be useless?? Ummmm yes.

At this point I had just had it. She went on to say they would probably recommend a full liver biopsy, which is full on surgery. I said no f'ing way. She is eating normally, she is not showing pain, she is using her litter box. She is jaundiced and has had two seizures and you have done about $4,000 worth of tests that tell me nothing. No one is in the same financial position they were in 2 years ago and we can't bleed money like this. START TREATING HER. If it works, hey you got it right. If it doesn't, try something else. (This is my fabulous theory after watching years of House.) So that is what we are going to do. We're now up to three pills and waiting to see the results of the blood work.

And I want my damn towel back.


  1. ((((MEL))) and (((LEXY))) I'm always impressed with how you tell people that you aren't an idiot by showing them how they must think you are by them saying or doing something incredibly stupid! hope you get your towel back too! keeping you all in my t's and p's

  2. Have you tried milk thistle for her liver? I give it to Marcy twice a day. It is supposed to help the liver in animals and people. I agree with you about all the test. You did make me feel better about my vet bill. Ispent 600.00 for a x-ray and sonogram for Marcy and then switched vets. The new vet (holistic) wanted a songram and sent me to a radiologist. We had that done today 460.00. Marcy had a bladder tumor, a tumor in her urethra, cushings, kiddney infection, and gallstones. You would never guess. I will talk to the vet tomorrow he was out today. Marcy needs to start on antibiotics. They have a list of other test they can do, but I dont think so. only if it will make a big difference and not be to hard on Marcy.

  3. sorry to hear....i only can think of two comments, one being my upmost belief of the human race and world as we know it. everything absolutly everythign revolves around money and how much can one get from someone else before they say no mas or the money runs out.....secondly and perhaps the more pertinent phrase coming to mind in all this.....

    i am insane and you are my insanity....ahhhhhhh fuck the bozos. :) and when you flip out on the next vet simply tell a mental patient im suppose to act out. lol if nothing else it will be a good story to write on here.

  4. I have never heard of milk thistle? Her liver values are getting better on the antibiotics but her kidney values are not. :-( Her billirubin (sp?) has stayed the same - bad. So sorry to hear about Marcy's troubles.


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