Sunday, May 16, 2010

Maggie is here

Marguerite Mary Rinzel "Maggie"arrived May 8,
2010 at 7:52am via c-section following 4 days of labor and about 3
hours of pushing. 7lb 4oz, 19 inches.


  1. Welcome to the world Maggie! Congratulations Mel! (and of course Mr!) how's Swiffer liking the new addition?

    Maggie is beautiful! Can't really tell what color her hair is, but she has lovely facial features! cute nose!

    Blessings to all of you!

  2. So I read on FB that you had sweet baby Maggie, but I've not been back to FB lately. How is motherhood treating you Mel? How big is Maggie now? Hope baby, mom, pop and Swiffer are all doing well. :-)

  3. She is absolutely wonderful. I feel like my purpose in life is to be her mommy. Thus I am desperately looking for a way NOT to return to work when she is 4 mos old. That is way too little for me to leave her. I can't bear the thought.

    I am tired but doing well. Mr PM was able to take 7 weeks off to be with us and that has been a godsend. He is so good with her. Bc of the c-section, I was in a good deal of pain for over 4 weeks and could never have done it alone. At 5 1/2 weeks, I am still ginger with the stairs. Still a little bit of physical pain but at this point it's mostly all emotional. It was a pretty tough birth and I really didn't want a section. So I'm working through that.

    Swiffer is relatively nonplussed. She has sniffed at Maggie a few times, but mostly she is just bummed she isn't getting as much attention. As always she is super laid back and doesn't seem to be suffering. I'm sure my guilt is way worse than her discomfort. She likes to sleep in the nursery bc there is a pile rug in there she finds very comfy. But at night she usually still sleeps in our room. Just not on the bed as often so it has become a treat for her. She just had her frontline today so she is banished to the floor and not getting much petting.

    We were taking pictures of the baby the other day (when are we not) and she came in and plopped down in a perfect sit and looked up at the camera as if inquiring why she was no longer the subject of a million pictures. So we snapped a shot of her and she seemed satisfied. It was pretty funny.

    Maggie calls so I am off. The link in my original posting will take you to the billion pics of Maggie. The one of swiffer is in week six I think. If not then week 5 neR the end.


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