Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Charlie update 12.1.09

All is well with Charlie. He is a great dog!!

Chews on his toys mostly, but when I leave the back of the car open w/ groceries, he has learned that loaves of bread are fun to run with and shake. Needless to say half of my package of English muffins went to the birds today.

He does get bratty at night if I haven’t walked him enough during the day. We usually walk and play in the morning and then I try to walk or play with him in the late afternoon before dark. Even in the rain, the boy likes puddles.

1 comment:

  1. I MISS CHARLIE!!!! Oh how I would love to see a few new pics of him!!! Such a handsome boy. I will always remember how laid-back and endearing he was with his foster parents. Many {{{hugs}}} to you Charlie!!!

    Auntie Mary


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